Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sexiest Male Professional!

*Excerpt from a Yahoo Messenger conversations*

farafiqa: ang amik arkitek pasaipa plak
farafiqa: la ni dok jd penyajak lg tak?
farafiqa: :)
Anuar Neutron: hahahaha....
Anuar Neutron: come on....arkitek la the sexiest male professional ever!
Anuar Neutron: theeheehee....
Anuar Neutron: skrang dh x bersajak dh....
Anuar Neutron: rindu plak zaman dulu2..


This is very irony, but when being asked by a junior of mine...of what makes me pick architecture in the first place...that was my response. Seriously shit...!

Little did i know...couple of days later....i found this article on a display photograph of an extend friend.

Yeah!! A stone cold proven actuality that we are indeed "The Sexiest Male Professional Ever!".

Hehe. =)

Eat that lawyers, doctors, professors and engineers!!

theehehee =P


Farafiqa Jeff said...

artikel tu sama la cam ang, PR exec plg sexy...fuyooooo

Mat Iyas said...

wutever!! haha

i n - c h a n said...

you know what?

i have always thought architects have this sexy aura about them.

and i have never thought other jobs as sexy as architect.

ok..say me pervert. i dont mind. :P

KING ANUAR said...

dnt blame u intan...nt tht u guys/ girls are perverted or wht...its just tht we are the "in thing" of the male world. HAhahaha.... its been long encrypted in our genes. GAgagagaGAgagAGagaga~~ *gelak syaitan* =P

KING ANUAR said...

kepade iyas:

too bad doc...too bad.... KAkakakKAKAka!!~~

Anonymous said...

dia cakap architect.. bukan student architecture. lain tuh. haha!

KING ANUAR said...

*comment x puas hati sbb female architect kurang seksi.theehehee.... =P

Anonymous said...

haa... but i'm not an architect. :) I do agree architect sexy. tapi architecture student tak la. haha!

nkecik said...

x valid! x valid!